lørdag 4. april 2009

The Kuji-In Basics

Made By: Vumsy
The Nine Levels Are:


RIN - STRENGTH of mind and body - Rin brings strength to the mind and body; Uses the Base Chakra, located between your sexual organs and your anus at the base of your body. Jumon is “On baishiraman taya sowaka” Mudra is dokko, "seal of the thunderbolt."Philosophy: Confidence And Trust In Yourself. 臨 (Rin): Hands together, fingers interlocked. The index (sometimes middle) fingers are raised and pressed together. (Fig. 1) Imagine a red light from above igniting the Base Chakra and the fires are spreading through the body.


KYO - DIRECTION OF ENERGY – Kyo channels energy through yourself and into other substances; Uses the Navel Chakra, located right under the bellybutton. Jumon is “On isha naya in tara ya sowaka” Mudra is daikongo, "seal of the great thunderbolt." Philosophy: Everything You Do Will Come Back To You. 兵 (Pyō): Hands together, pinkies and ring fingers interlocked. Index finger and thumb raised and pressed together, middle fingers cross over index fingers and their tips curl back to touch the thumbs. (Fig. 2) Imagine red energy circulating throughout the entire body and a current of white energy pulsating around the Navel Chakra.


TOH - HARMONY with the universe - Toh leads you to a greater harmony with the universe; Uses the Dan-Tian Chakra, located between your Navel and Solar Plexus Chakra. Jumon is “On jite rashi itara jiba ratanō sowaka” Mudra is "seal of the outer lion." Philosophy: Humility Against Others. 闘 (Tō): Hands together, index fingers cross each other to touch opposite ring fingers, middle fingers crossed over them. Ring and pinky fingers are straight. Tips of ring fingers pressed together, tips of pinkies pressed together and form a V shape. (Fig. 3) Imagine orange and golden light gathering in the bowel at the Dan-Tian Chakra and loose yourself.


SHA - HEALING of self and others - Sha is used to heal oneself or another; Uses the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the solar plexus (the soft spot under the ribs). Jumon is “On haya baishiraman taya sowaka” Mudra is "seal of the inner lion." Philosophy: You Have The Right To Live And Act. 者 (Sha): Hands together, ring fingers cross each other to touch opposite index fingers, middle fingers crossed over them. Index finger, pinky and thumb straight. (Fig. 4) Imagine yellow and golden light that fills the Solar Plexus Chakra.


KAI - PREMONITION of danger – Kai gives you foresight of things to come and hone your senses; Uses the Heart Chakra, located in front of your heart. Jumon is “On nōmaku sanmanda basaradan kan” Mudra is "seal of the outer bonds." Philosophy: Love Is All. 皆 (Kai): Hands together, fingers interlocked. (Fig. 5) Imagine a blue light radiating outside your body from the Heart Chakra and try to feel love around you.


JIN - KNOWING THE THOUGHTS OF OTHERS – Jin allows you to know and communicate with the thoughts of those around you; Uses the Throat Chakra, located at the base of your throat. Jumon is “On aga naya in maya sowaka” Mudra is "seal of the inner bonds." Philosophy: Knowledge And New Ideas Are Gifts. 陣 (Jin): Hands together, fingers interlocked, with the fingertips inside. (Fig. 6) Imagine blue light spreading out from your Throat Chakra making you seem like a giant, also chant your mudra and try to listen to both the energetic and physical vibrations of your voice.


RETSU - MASTERY OF TIME AND SPACE – Retsu enhances your ability to control your own perspective over time and space; Uses the Jade Gate Chakra, located at the pointy bone at the back of the skull. Jumon is “On hirota ki shanoga jiba tai sowaka” Mudra is "seal of the wisdom fist," also known as "seal of the interpenetration of the two realms." Philosophy: The Grand Plan Is Perfect. 列 (Retsu): Left hand in an upward-pointing fist, the index finger is raised. Right hand grips index finger, and thumb is pressed onto left index's nail. (Fig. 7) Imagine focusing at the Jade Gate Chakra, the middle of your back behind the Heart Chakra and your base Chakra.


ZAI - CONTROL of the elements of nature – Zai synchronize you with the elements around you; Uses the Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows. Jumon is “On chirichi iba rotaya sowaka” Mudra is "seal of the ring of the sun." Philosophy: You Are A Part Of Everything. 在 (Zai): Hands spread out in front, with thumb and index finger touching. (Fig. 8) Imagine focusing the Third Eye Chakra.


ZEN - ENLIGHTENMENT - Zen results in enlightenment and understanding; Uses the Crown Chakra, located at the very top of your head. Jumon is “On a ra ba sha nō sowaka” Mudra is "seal of the hidden form," also simply called the "meditation mudra." Philosophy: You Are Almighty And Must Act With The Right Attitude. 前 (Zen): Hands form a circle, thumbs on top and fingers on the bottom, right hand overlapping left up to the knuckles. (Fig. 9) Imagine reaching for the Crown Chakra outside your body.

These symbols takes an entire lifetime to truly master.

(Sources: http://www.wikipedia.org/, http://www.kujiin.com/ and the books “Qi-gong and Kuji-in: A Practical Guide to an Oriental Esoteric Experience” and “Advanced Kuji-In: Transformational Approach”)

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